RMM System Spring Cleaning Project
Scope of Work
Phase #1 - Discover
- Our team will conduct a discovery of your current monitoring and alerting needs and requirements.
- We conduct a review of your platform and identify areas that may need further review or understanding.
- Review standard practices and operating procedures to identify what monitoring and alerting the platform should be performed.
- Identify any special circumstance areas that may require exceptions to the standard or development of additional targeted monitoring/alerting to meet the Client needs.
- Develop an updated monitoring and alerting scheme that meets client needs, expectations, and proven industry practices.
Phase #2 - Review
- Provide a clear and concise understanding of the planned changes to the platform.
- Provide a timeline and expectation of changes to ensure all stakeholders are prepared for any changes to alerting and processes.
- Conduct a review with client and relevant parties to ensure adoption and sign off on project plan.
- Finalize any changes or adjustments before implementation.
Phase #3 - Execute
- Add, change, or remove monitors and sensors with MSP+OS’s standard monitoring model and custom client requirements.
- Add, change, or remove alerting model to meet client and monitoring requirements.
- Add, change, or remove ticket alerting/synchronization with the ConnectWise PSA platform to conform to MSP+OS’s proven practices.
- Ensure proper ConnectWise PSA integration configuration for proper ticket board, type, status, and other vital details.
Phase #4 - Adjust
- Review and test all changes are properly implemented.
- Conduct a final review with client and relevant parties to ensure all changes discussed have been implemented.
- Make minor adjustments according to final review.
Phase #5 - Mentor
- Review newly generated tickets/alerts with relevant parties to ensure proper action is taken by the team.
- Identify additional areas that may need further development/improvement.
- Provide information regarding the updated monitoring and alerting implementations.
Additional Details:
MSP+OS provides consulting and services based on industry, manufacturer recommended, and proven standards. Some recommendations may not be appropriate in all instances and all clients are responsible for disclosing as much information as possible to avoid any potential conflicts, issues, or other areas of concern.
Services do not provide network operation center (NOC) services. Our service does not include incident response, alert monitoring, or remediation services, including, but not limited to, patch failure remediation, agent troubleshooting, or remote computer support. The client remains responsible for all endpoint management, incident response, troubleshooting, repair, remediation, or any other required support services. MSP+OS will provide guidance, recommendations, and automation (if applicable) when possible and necessary.
This agreement does not include automation changes, scripting, or other auto-remediation solutions not already implemented standard by the platform or created by the Client. Additional service fees may apply for automation needs. Any custom automation solutions provided by MSP+OS, including PowerShell scripts and/or platform specific automation is tested internally prior to delivery. However, internal testing is limited and may not account for all possible factors that could be negatively impacted by an automation solution. Clients are advised to further test automation solutions before mass deployment and understand and assumes all risk in using automation solutions.
MSP+OS cannot guarantee that the RMM platform will detect and alert in all circumstances. This can be due to a variety of factors, including unforeseen variables or other deviations from the standard alerting conditions. Additionally, some factors are outside of MSP+OS's control and are a result of a manufacturer defect, deficiency, or other software code related reasons.
On-site, virtual, or other training services is specifically not included in this agreement. Custom reporting, report modifications, or other data analysis information is not included in this agreement.
Other Exclusions:
- On-site/in-person services.
- Emergency RMM platform restoration, rebuild, or migration.
- 3rd party software support (limited to integration support only).
- Unofficial or unverified 3rd party plugins.
- Actions or requests that may violate the EULA of the RMM software solution.
- Server operating system and database migrations or upgrades.
- Solutions cannot be guaranteed on any End of Life Operating Systems