Adam will be hosting the webinar, guiding the conversation and ensuring a smooth experience for all attendees. He will introduce the speakers, facilitate the discussion, and manage the Q&A session to keep the audience engaged and ensure key insights are clearly communicated.
The Art of Time Entry:
Ensuring Accuracy and Accountability
Time entry may seem like a small part of your business, but it plays a critical role in accurate billing, productivity tracking, and overall accountability.
You’ll gain valuable insights into:
- How to streamline time entry workflows to save time and minimize frustration
- Best practices for ensuring accurate and reliable time tracking across your team
- Methods to leverage time entry data for better productivity and accountability
GUEST SPEAKERSMeet The Experts From MSP+
Rebecca will set the tone for the webinar by introducing the importance of accurate time entry as a cornerstone of efficient operations and accountability. She’ll highlight the challenges businesses often face with time tracking and explain how the Time Entry Playbook provides a strategic solution to overcome them.
Rebecca Hethcox - VP of Services MSP+
Ashley will dive into the details of the Time Entry Playbook, walking attendees through the key components and best practices. She’ll provide real-world examples, demonstrate workflows, and show how these strategies can be applied to improve accuracy, accountability, and overall team productivity.